Kelly Guarantee

Commitment to quality and transparency


Kelly Guarantee

Commitment to quality and transparency


Dear customer, as representative of a multinational organization constantly engaged in the improvement of human resources services, I call on You in order to point up what we already did and what we once again want to do in the field of quality and transparency.

Quality for us is not only the capability of:

  • identify His needs in the field of recruitment and organisational flexibility
  • quickly identify the more appropriate tools in order to offer the best solutions
  • use appropriate selection methodologies
  • present the best candidates

Still it means also to guarantee to You, to our candidates and temporary workers the respect of the integrity, honesty and professional ethics values.Kelly’s temporary workers:

  • are punctually paid
  • have the same economic treatment of full-time workers
  • are fully protected for what concerns social security and insurance
  • receive a targeted training that reduces the time and risks of the entry
  • treated in full respect of the rules and of their human and professional dignity.

We demonstrate all that through our certifications:

​These certifications attest the regularity of ours payments to the same Societies in compliance with the requirements of the law and the contracts.

Our commitment to quality and transparency is an integral part of “The Kelly Difference”.

We care about respect our clients and we can prove at any time our position of absolute rigor and attention to the legislation.

General Direction

DURC certification

Kelly Services, is one of the first Employment Agency to have requested and obtained form INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) and from INPS (National Social Security Institute) the DECLARATION OF CONTRIBUTION REGULARITY.

​Benefits for companies

Kelly guarantees to the client companies the utmost seriousness, control over the service provided, transparency and compliance with law.

Benefits for workers

For Kelly it is very important to offer to its workers the best standard of service. Kelly’s Staff constantly assists the staff administered throughout the mission.

To all Kelly Services’ workers is guaranteed the absolute equal economic and regulatory treatment compared to those who are hired for an indefinite period.

Particularly, thanks to this certification our workers are protected and have the certainty that Kelly pays all insurance premiums regularly and that in compliance with the obligation to pay social security and welfare contributions, as:

  • systematically transmits datas relating to new administration contracts
  • pays premiums and contributions by the due dates, calculating the relative amounts on the basis of the average rate attributed to the user company.

Click here to view the original certificate

Commitment to quality and transparency


To see the original DURC certification

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