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Connecting exceptional candidates with the best jobs

Find your perfect fit with personalised job matching

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"Highly competent and helpful. 

I will gladly recommend Kelly to

my friends for job opportunities.

Thank you for everything!"

Giulio - Rome

"Expertise and professionalism

that go deep into understanding the person and enable them to perform

at their best in the proposed job role."

Francesca - Genoa

"I took part in a course arranged

by Kelly: a fantastic chance to work

in an area I increasingly enjoy

every day. Everyone was incredibly

helpful and friendly."

Ylenia - Milan

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Our recruitment experts are specialised in permanent placements, connecting you with top-class professionals who will impact your business.



When you need a hire you should expect a solution which delivers time and time again. On-time, in-budget, effective temporary recruitment built around your needs. 


Through the allocation of a dedicated account team, we guarantee the operationalization of work processes from our clients/partners facilities.

HR Consultancy

& Training

We closely collaborate with your company's HR team to develop projects, organizational models, and training programs.

Hear from our clients

“Competent, highly customer-focused, efficient.”

Roberto, Milan

People & Culture Development Manager

“A positive and proactive collaborative relationship exists. They are highly attentive to people's needs during the entire process, from recruitment to onboarding and even offboarding.”

Chiara, Padua

HR Manager

“We have been collaborating for several years with mutual satisfaction.” 

Alessandro, Turin

HR Manager

“Synergistic, pragmatic, and highly efficient. What sets them apart from competitors is the relationships and the people behind service. The high-quality service is always aligned with your needs."

Rebecca, Rome

Talent Acquisition Lead

Our latest trends & articles

competenze comunicative
07 Mar, 2024
Le competenze comunicative sono tra le caratteristiche più apprezzate sul luogo di lavoro, perché consentono di interagire e quindi lavorare nel modo più efficace. Vediamo alcuni esempi da inserire nel Curriculum
10 Jan, 2024
Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che Kelly Italia è diventata parte di Gi Group Holding, la prima multinazionale Italiana di servizi al lavoro.
lavoratrice affaticata
01 Jan, 2024
Affrontare il rientro al lavoro dopo le festività natalizie richiede tempo, pazienza e strategie olistiche. Adottare un approccio graduale, pianificare attentamente e concentrarsi sul benessere emotivo sono passi cruciali per rendere il processo più agevole. Con una mentalità positiva e la giusta preparazione, il rientro al lavoro può trasformarsi in un'opportunità di crescita personale e professionale.
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